2580 Association is a non-profit organization (NGO). If you want to support our programs, these are our coordinates. Thank you! …………………………………………………………………………… The name of the not-for—profit entity: 2580 Cultural Association …………………………………………………………………………… Fiscal code of the non-for-profit entity: C.I.F. 18962008 …………………………………………………………………………… Bank account (IBAN): RO61BTRL01301205B00443XX Banca Transilvania Cluj …………………………………………………………………………… For the Romanian residents, if you want […]
2580 Association had received funding on project base from the following partners: MINISTRY OF CULTURE ROMANIA, Bucharest Website: www.cultura.ro ADMINISTRATION OF NATIONAL CULTURAL FUND, Romania Website: www.afcn.ro FRENCH EMBASSY AND FRECH CULTURAL INSTITUTE, Bucharest Website: www.ambafrance-ro.org GERMAN CULTURAL CENTER, Cluj Website: www.kulturzentrum-klausenburg.ro FREUNDESKREIS STADTPARTNERSCHAFT KOELN KLAUSENBURG e.V. (Germany)
“Artists in Industry” Project Started in 2011, “Artists in Industry” project is a platform which aims to encourage design theory and design research in Eastern Europe. In the frame of the project it will be organized “Artists in industry. The Role of Design in Digital Age” International Conference, (Bucharest, 1-2 November 2011). For more details […]
For our projects we received the support of the following institutions: „ION MINCU” ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM UNIVERSITY, Bucharest Website: www.uauim.ro ACE KIBLA, Maribor, Slovenia Website:www.kibla.org ART FACULTY – ORADEA UNIVERSITY, Oradea Website: http://vizual.arte-oradea.ro/info/ CLUJ-NAPOCA CITY HALL Website: http://www.primariaclujnapoca.ro/ PEASANT MUSEUM, Bucharest Website: www.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro EPEKA, Maribor, Slovenia. Website: www.epeka.si GERMAN CULTURAL CENTER, Cluj Website: www.kulturzentrum-klausenburg.ro ART […]
Our media partners are: Radio Romania Cultural Website: www.radioromaniacultural.ro modernism.ro Website: www.modernism.ro TATAIA Website: http://www.tataia.net/
Student Grants for ISEA 2010, Ruhrgebiet, Germany Freundeskreis Städtepartnerschaft Köln – Klausenburg e. V. in collaboration with Academy of Media Arts, Köln and 2580 Association Cluj, offered 2 grants for two students or young artists from Cluj interested in electronic arts to participate to ISEA 2010. The International Symposium on Electronic Art will take place […]
“Art, Space and Memory in the Digital Era” Publication Paideia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010. Editor: Tincuta Heinzel Authors: Bogdan Ghiu, Woody Vasulka, Tincuta Heinzel, Paulo Ferreira-Lopes, Sophie Fetro, Augustin Ioan, Gemma San Cornelio, Pau Alsina, Anne-Marie Duguet, Heike Helfert, Peter Tomaz Dobrila, Uros Indihar. Translators: Barbara Bartos, Patricia Comanescu, Simona Klodnischi, Ancuta Ionescu. Bilingual edition: […]
Areas of conflu(x)ence, Maribor, Slovenia Curator : Tincuța Heinzel Dates : April 4 – 19, 2008 Location : KIBLA Multimedia Center , Maribor, Slovenia Artists: Florian Grond & Gabriele Engelhardt &Thomas Kienzl, Filipe Jensen & Nuno Costa, Claudia Robles, Scenocosme (Gregory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt), Effie Wu. Selection from “Areas of conflu(x)ence” exhibitions […]
„Interactive Spaces” Workshop, Art and Design University, Cluj Dates: October 15 -16, 2007 Location: Art and Design University Cluj. Workshop directed by : Claudia Robles (CO/DE) How the role of the artwork visitor has changed as he became a performer? How can we create spaces that interact with the performers / visitors? The […]
Areas of Conflu(x)ence Project Dates : October 5 – November 4, 2007. Sibiu :*.ARTLABS Centrala termică 3, Hala Balanța, X Future Gallery. Luxembourg : Galeria Konschthaus beim Engel, LX5 Homebase. Organizers : 2580 Association Cluj and absl Arscenic Luxemburg. Synopsis: The European Union puts forward during 2007 two geographical areas as European Capitals of the […]
Thierry Kuntzel : ETE – AUTOMNE, Sibiu Curator: Anne-Marie Duguet Assistant: Corinne Castel Dates: October 5 – November 4, 2007 Location: Casa Ille et Vilaine, Sibiu. AUTOMNE (Le Mont Analogue) This work belongs to the series of Quatre saisons moins une (Four seasons minus one). The configuration of the space is the same as for […]
„Art, Space and Memory in the digital Era” Conference, Sibiu Dates : 4 – 6 October 2007 Locations : Studio Astra / *.ARTLABS Centrala termică 3, Sibiu. The Art, Space and Technology in the Digital Era Conference proposed an international debate around the relation between art and technology in the contemporary digital age. It specially […]