„Art, Space and Memory in the digital Era” Conference, Sibiu
Dates : 4 – 6 October 2007
Locations : Studio Astra / *.ARTLABS Centrala termică 3, Sibiu.
The Art, Space and Technology in the Digital Era Conference proposed an international debate around the relation between art and technology in the contemporary digital age. It specially underlines the impact of the new media on our life.
The digital technologies created a new model of perception of the diverse aspects of the reality. The changes they produce make us reconsider the condition of our modern life, while they drive us to explore the digital technologies’ potential. The post-modern syntax is remodeled and new positions are defended sustaining the arguments of a super-industrialized society.
Science and technology must always force the borderlines of the knowledge in our times, while art must mirror these experiences. Our way of life and our expectations change constantly according to these new borderlines. The importance we give to the different aspects of life and the way our activities model the space are constantly questioned and reconceived according to the permanent flow of innovations. What models of perception and understanding of our environment do we employ ? How do we use the potential of our tools, if we admit their influence on our way of life ? What traps are to be avoided ? What are we to expect from technology ? Should we worry about the place of the new technologies in our life ? Considering artistic and esthetic experiences, we will study the ways in which the digital technologies influence imagine, sound and space today.
Participants: David Bihanic, Christian Denker, Peter Tomaz Dobrila, Anne-Marie Duguet, Bogdan Ghiu, Paulo Ferreira-Lopes, Sophie Fetro, Pierre-Damien Huyghe, Heike Helfert, Augustin Ioan, Marko Kosnik, Ciprian Mihali, Patrick Nardin, Tincuta Parv, Rainer Prohaska, Gemma San Cornelio.